- PASTA-2: Dynamic Adaptation in Heterogeneous Multicore Embedded Processors
- European Network of Excellence on High-Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation
- Centre for Numerical Algorithms and Intelligent Software
- Machine Learning for Thread Level Speculation on Multicore Architectures
- ReOPN: Retargetable Statistical Optimisation and Parallelisation for Network Processors
- SElf-timed DATapath synthEsis (SEDATE)
- PASTA-1: Automated Synthesis of High Performance Low Power Embedded Systems
- Automatic Test Pattern Generation and Scan Insertion for Asynchronous Circuits
- Compliers that Learn to Optimise (COLO)
- Architecture and Compiler Infrastructure for Flexible Cellular Multiprocessing
- Enhancing the Performance Predictability of Grid Applications with Patterns and Process Algebras
- AF: Adaptive Program Analysis, Transformation and Optimisation
- Low Power High Performance Microarchitecture and Compilation
- An Integrated Hardware-Software Approach to Single Chip Processor Systems
- Software and Hardware for Efficient Speculative Multithreading
- Abstraction & Performance: Design and Implementation of Categorical Languages for High Performance Computing
- A System Level Integration Approach to High Performance Micro-Architecture
- EGOVISM: Enhanced Compiler-Optimised Virtual Shared Memory for High Performance Parallel Computing