Design of the Cray-1

The Cray-1 was the logical successor to the CDC 7600. The instruction issue bottleneck in the 7600 which prevented floating-point operations from being executed at a rate in excess of 1 per clock was overcome in the Cray-1 processor by the use of vector orders, which caused streams of up to 64 data elements to be processed as a result of one instruction issue.

Much of the description of the Cray-1 given here is taken from [2] which itself drew heavily on the material provided in the Cray1 Hardware Reference Manual [1]. (To avoid tortuous grammatical constructs, much of the description is written in the present tense, even though there are no longer any real Cray-1s in operation.)

Vectors are contained in a set of eight V registers, each capable of holding 64 elements (each of 64 bits), and a typical vector instruction causes sets of operands to be taken from two V registers and the results to be returned to a third. In the following instruction sequence:

V0 ← V1 + V2
V3 ← V4 * V5

the second instruction uses different registers and a different functional unit from the first and can be issued one clock period after the first instruction. Subsequent to the pipeline start-up delays in the functional units (each of which can carry out operations at a rate of one per clock period), a floating-point result will appear from both the adder and the multiplier in each successive clock period. Thus if performance is estimated in terms only of floating-point addition and multiplication, the maximum floating-point execution rate is 2 FLOPS/CLOCK. Furthermore, around 60 other instructions can be issued before these units require further instructions to keep them busy. With a clock period of 12.5 ns, 2 FLOPS/CLOCK corresponds to 160 MFLOPS.

The other serious bottleneck in the CDC 7600 architecture was the entry of results into the X registers, which was also limited to one per clock period. In the Cray-1 each vector register has its own input multiplexer circuitry for selecting results from among the seven functional units which can produce vector results and, correspondingly, each vector functional unit has its own input multiplexers for selecting vector register operands. Without these circuits the Cray-1 would also be limited to 1 FLOP/CLOCK.

The overall design of the Cray-1 processor is shown in Figure 1. In addition to the eight 64-element V registers, there are eight 64-bit S (scalar) registers and eight 24-bit A (address) registers (corresponding to the X and A registers in the CDC 6600 and 7600), together with 64 B registers (each of 24 bits) and 64 T registers (each of 64 bits). The B and T registers are used in a different way from any of the registers in the 6600 and 7600, however, in that they act as buffer stores for A and S register values, respectively. The functional units take their input operands from the A, S and V registers only, and only return results to these registers.

cray-1 processor

Figure 1. Cray-1 processor organisation

The A registers are used primarily as address and index registers for scalar and vector memory references, but are also used for loop control, input-output operations and to provide values for shift counts. An A register can be loaded either from a B register or direct from memory, while the B register contents can be transferred to or from memory in block copy operations which proceed at a rate of one per clock period. The S registers contain scalar operands, which may be used in scalar operations in the same way that X register values are used in the 6600 and 7600, but an S register in the Cray-1 may also supply a scalar value required for a vector operation. S register values may be transferred to or from memory or the T registers, the latter allowing intermediate results of complex computations to be held in fast buffers rather than main memory. T register values can be transferred to or from memory in the same way as B register values.

The instruction format used in the Cray-1 (Figure 2) is very similar to that used in the CDC 6600 and 7600, except that the major function field (g) contains four bits rather than three, and instructions are therefore 16 or 32 bits long rather than 15 or 30. The extra function bit allows vector as well as scalar operations to be specified, and a typical vector instruction takes the form:

Vi ← Vj + Vk

implying that successive elements of Vk are to be added to successive elements of Vj, and the results returned as successive elements of Vi. Instructions which cause the transfer of an operand between A and B or S and T registers use the combined j and k fields to specify the B or T register. The j and k fields are also combined to produce shift counts in shift instructions. Instructions are issued by the control logic associated with the CIP (Current Instruction Parcel) register. In the case of a 2-parcel (32-bit) instruction, the m field is taken from the LIP (Lower Instrucion Parcel) register, which is filled from the Instruction Buffers concurrently with the NIP (Next Instruction Parcel) register.

Cray-1 instruction set

Figure 2. Cray-1 instruction formats

Instructions which use immediate (literal) operands use the 32-bit format and combine the j, k and m fields to produce a 22-bit literal value. Memory referencing instructions similarly combine the j, k and m fields to produce a 22-bit memory address, and also use the h field to specify an A register for indexing. (The memory itself is an 8-way or 16-way interleaved 50 ns cycle-time semiconductor store containing 0.5M, 1M, 2M or 4M words according to the configuration.) Branch instructions combine the i, j, k and m fields to produce a 24-bit memory address field, allowing any 16-bit instruction parcel within a 64-bit word to be specified.

In addition to the operating and buffer registers, the Cray-1 processor also contains several additional registers which support the control of program execution: the program counter (P), the Vector Mask register (VM) and the Vector Length register (VL). The VM register contains 64 bits, one per element position in the vector registers. In merge operations each bit in VM is used to select the corresponding element of one or other source vector for copying into the destination vector, while in test operations bits in VM are set according to whether or not corresponding elements in a source vector satisfy the chosen condition. The VL register contains a number in the range 0 to 64 and determines how many vector elements take part in an operation. In the case of an operation on a 150-element vector, for example, the hardware would be required to treat this as two successive 64-element operations (with VL = 64) followed by a 22-element operation (with VL = 22).

The Simulation Model

The HASE user interface window contains three panes, as shown in Figure 3, where the simulation model of the Cray-1 is displayed in the main (right hand) Project View pane. Parameters of the model (e.g. register and store contents) are displayed in the (left hand) Project Inspector pane while the lower, Output pane shows information produced by HASE when the model is compiled and run. The icons in the top row allow the user to load a model, compile it, run the simulation code thus created and to load the trace file produced by running a simulation back into the model for animation.

Also shown are two entities that form part of the model rather than the Cray-1 itself, i.e. the standard HASE Clock entity and a Program entity. The Program entity contains two arrays, one for instructions and one for (integer) data. Because memories in HASE are implemented as C++ arrays, the type-checking in C++ means that it is not possible to mix different types of element in a single array. The Memory has therefore been implemented as an array of 16-character hexadecimal words and at the start of a simulation the contents of the two arrays in the Progam entity are converted into 16-character hexadecimal format and copied into the Memory.

The Program entity was introduced to allows users to create code in readable Cray-1 format while keeping the Memory as a single array (in most other HASE models, the memories are implemented using separate arrays for code and data). The problem of floating-point remains, however, as in other HASE models. In principle, users could convert all their code and data into 16-character hexadecimal format, thus allowing instructions, fixed-point (integer) values and floating-point (real) values all to be held in the single Memory, but in the current version of the model, the presence of the Program entity means that only integer data values are allowed.

cray-1 model

Figure 3. Cray-1 simulation model loaded into HASE

Once a trace file has been loaded, the animation control icons at the top of the Project View pane become active, as shown in Figure 4. From left to right, these allow the animation to be rewound, stopped, paused, single stepped, run or fast forwarded to the end. As the animation proceeds, packets of information can be seen passing between entities while the entities themselves change colour to reflect their states (idle, busy, waiting). The vector registers (individually identified as small rectangles) can be in one of three states: idle v_reg_idle, reserved v_reg_res, chained v_reg_chained. Right clicking on one of these vector register icons pops the corresponding register contents list out of the Project Inspector pane, as it does for the A, B, S and T registers. Demonstration Program 3, described below, shows how the chaining mechanism operates.

cray-1 model

Figure 4. Cray-1 simulation model during animation

Table 1 shows the full instruction set of the Cray-1. Not all of them are implemented in the HASE model; those that are implemented have their octal code shown in red. Most of those that are not (shown in blue) have been omitted because they are specific to the implementation of floating-point numbers. More instructions may be implemented in future versions.

Left hand column of each table = Octal Code
(Aj), (Bjk), (Sj), (Tjk) imply contents of Aj, etc.
(Vj) implies (elements of Vj), etc.
~ implies "complement of"
000 000
001 ijk
0020 xk
0021 xx
0022 xx
003 xjx
004 xxx
005 xjk
006 ijkm
007 ijkm
Error exit (000000)
Monitor (Operating System) functions
Transmit (Ak) to VL
Set fp mode flag in M register
Clear fp mode flag in M register
Transmit (Sj) to vector mask (VM)
Normal exit
Branch to (Bjk)
Branch to ijkm
Return jump to ijkm; set B00 to (P)
010 ijkm
011 ijkm
012 ijkm
013 ijkm
014 ijkm
015 ijkm
016 ijkm
017 ijkm
Branch to ijkm if (A0) = 0
Branch to ijkm if (A0) ≠ 0
Branch to ijkm if (A0) positive
Branch to ijkm if (A0) negative
Branch to ijkm if (S0) = 0
Branch to ijkm if (S0) ≠ 0
Branch to ijkm if (S0) positive
Branch to ijkm if (S0) negative
020 ijkm
021 ijkm
022 ijk
023 ijx
024 ijk
025 ijk
026 ijx
027 ijx
Transmit jkm to Ai
Transmit ~jkm to Ai
Transmit jk to Ai
Transmit (Sj) to Ai
Transmit (Bjk) to Ai
Transmit (Ai) to Bjk
Population count of (Sj) to Ai
Leading zero count of (Sj) to Ai
030 ijk
031 ijk
032 ijk

033 ijk
034 ijk
035 ijk
036 ijk
037 ijk
Integer Sum of (Aj) and (Ak) to Ai
Integer Difference of (Aj) and (Ak) to Ai
Integer Product of (Aj) and (Ak) to Ai
Transmit I/0 to Ai
Block transfer; Memory to B registers
Block transfer: B registers to Memory
Block transfer: Memory to T registers
Block transfer: T registers to Memory
040 ijkm
041 ijkm
042 ijk
043 ijk
044 ijk
045 ijk
046 ijk
047 ijk
Transmit jkm to Si
Transmit ~jkm to Si
Form 64-jk bits of 1's mask of Si from right
Form jk bits of 1's mask in Si from left
Logical product of (Sj) and (Sk) to Si
Logical product of (Sj) and ~(Sk) to Si
Logical difference of (Sj) and (Sk) to Si
Logical difference of (Sj) and ~(Sk) to Si
050 ijk
051 ijk
052 ijk
053 ijk
054 ijk
055 ijk

056 ijk
057 ijk
Scalar merge
Logical sum of (Sj) and (Sk) to Si
Shift (Si) left jk places to S0
Shift (Si) right 64-jk places to S0
Shift (Si) left jk places to Si
Shift (Si) right 64-jk places to Si
Shift (Si) and (Sj) left by (Sk) places to Si
Shift (Si) and (Sj) left by (Ak) places to Si
060 ijk
061 ijk

062 ijk
063 ijk
064 ijk
065 ijk
066 ijk
067 ijk
Integer sum of (Sj) and (Sk) to Si
Integer difference of (Sj) and (Sk) to Si
Floating sum of (Sj) and (Sk) to Si
Floating difference of (Sj) and (Sk) to Si
Floating product of (Sj) and (Sk) to Si
Half-prec. rounded fl. product of (Sj) and (Sk) to Si
Rounded floating product of (Sj) and (Sk) to Si
Reciprocal iteration; 2-(Sj)*(Sk) to Si
070 ijx
071 ijk
072 ixx
073 ixx
074 ijk
075 ijk
076 ijk
077 ijk
Floating reciprocal approximation of (Sj) to Si
Transmit (Ak) or normalised FP constant to Si
Transmit (RTC) to Si
Transmit (VM) to Si
Transmit (Tjk) to Si
Transmit (Si) to Tjk
Transmit (Vj, element (Ak)) to Si
Transmit (Sj) to Vi element (Ak)
10/11/12/13 GROUP
10 hijk
11 hijk
12 hijk
13 hijk
Read from ((Ah) + jkm) to Ai
Store (Ai) to (Ah) + jkm
Read from ((Ah + jkm) to Si
Store (Si) to (Ah) + jkm
140 ijk
141 ijk
142 ijk
143 ijk
144 ijk
145 ijk
146 ijk

147 ijk

Logical products of (Sj) and (Vk) to Vi
Logical products of (Vj) and (Vk) to Vi
Logical sums of (Sj) and (Vk) to Vi
Logical sums of (Vj) and (Vk) to Vi
Logical differences of (Sj) and (Vk) to Vi
Logical differences of (Vj) and (Vk) to Vi
If VM bit = 1, transmit (Sj) to Vi
If VM bit = 0, transmit (Vk) to Vi
If VM bit = 1, transmit (Vj) to Vi
If VM bit = 0, transmit (Vk) to Vi
150 ijk
151 ijk

152 ijk
153 ijk
154 ijk
155 ijk
156 ijk
157 ijk
Single shift of (Vj) left by (Ak) places to Vi
Single shift of (Vj) right by (Ak) places to Vi
Double shift of (Vj) left by (Ak) places to Vi
Double shift of (Vj) right by (Ak) places to Vi
Integer sums of (Sj) and (Vk) to Vi
Integer sums of (Vj) and (Vk) to Vi
Integer differences of (Sj) and (Vk) to Vi
Integer differences of (Vj) and (Vk) to Vi
160 ijk
161 ijk

162 ijk
163 ijk
164 ijk
165 ijk
166 ijk
167 ijk
Floating products of (Sj) and (Vk) to Vi
Floating products of (Vj) and (Vk) to Vi
Half prec. rounded fl. product of (Sj) and (Vk) to Vi
Half prec. rounded fl. product of (Vj) and (Vk) to Vi
Rounded floating product of (Sj) and (Vk) to Vi
Rounded floating product of (Vj) and (Vk) to Vi
Reciprocal iterations; 2 - (Sj) * (Vk)k to Vi
Reciprocal iterations; 2 - (Vj) * (Vk) to Vi
170 ijk
171 ijk
172 ijk
173 ijk

174 ij0
174 ij1
174 ij2
175 xjk
176 ijk
177 ijk
Floating sums of (Sj) and (Vk) to Vi
Floating sums of (Vj) and (Vk) to Vi
Floating differences of (Sj) and (Vk) to Vi
Floating differences of (Vj) and (Vk) to Vi
Floating reciprocal aprox. of (Vj) to Vi
Population counts of (Vj elements) to Vi elements
Pop. count parities of (Vj elements) to Vi elements
Test (Vj); enter results into VM; k defines test
Block transfer: Memory to Vi
Block transfer: (Vj) to Memory

Table 1. Cray 1 instruction set

Demonstration Program 1

Instruction Buffers & Branch Instructions

The Cray-1 processor obtains its instructions from a set of instruction buffers (Figure 5). Demonstration Program 1 (Table 2) is essentially a test program that checks that the Instruction Buffers and the branch instructions are working correctly. Each of the four buffers holds 64 consecutive 16-bit instruction parcels, and if an instruction request cannot be satisfied from within these buffers, a full 64-parcel block of instructions is transferred from main store into one of them. A new instruction is accessed whenever the P register (program counter) is updated. For sequential instructions this occurs as an instruction parcel enters the Next Instruction Parcel register (NIP). From NIP the instruction parcel is copied into the Current Instruction Parcel register (CIP), where it waits to be issued. In the case of a 32-bit instruction the second parcel is contained in the Lower Instruction Parcel register (LIP) which is loaded in parallel with NIP.

cray-1 instruction buffers

Figure 5. Cray-1 Instruction Buffers

The Cray-1 has a 22-bit instruction address and the first instruction parcel in a buffer always has an address starting on a 64-parcel address boundary. Any one buffer is therefore defined by the 16 most significant bits of a parcel address, and for each buffer there is a 16-bit Bank Address Register containing this value. At each clock cycle the high order bits of the program address counter are compared with the contents of these registers. If a match occurs the required instruction parcel is selected from within the appropriate buffer either immediately, if the buffer concerned is the same as the one which supplied the previous parcel, or after a two clock period delay if a change of buffers is involved.

If no match occurs, instructions must be loaded into one of the instruction buffers before execution can continue. A two-bit counter is used to determine which buffer is to be loaded; this counter is incremented by one whenever a load operation occurs, thus implementing a cyclic replacement algorithm. The 64-bit main store in the Cray-1 is an 8-way or 16-way interleaved bipolar semiconductor store having a 50 ns cycle time. During a block transfer all other store requests are inhibited, and sequential accesses can be made at a rate of one per 12.5 ns clock period. In the case of transfers to an instruction buffer, four storage banks can be accessed in parallel, giving access to 16 instruction parcels in one cycle and allowing all 16 banks in a 16-bank configuration to be accessed in four clock periods. Since the cycle time is also equal to four clock periods, the first four banks are then ready to accept a further request, and a complete block transfer to an instruction buffer occupies four cycles of each bank. The total time required to access the first group of instruction parcels is nevertheless quite long, and a 14 clock period delay is incurred whenever a buffer has to be loaded. This delay is constant regardless of the position of the first parcel required from the buffer, so the first group of 16 parcels delivered to the buffers is always the one required immediately by the processor. Subsequent groups arrive at a rate of 16 parcels per clock period and fill the buffer circularly.

When a branch is taken the new value in the program address counter is compared with the contents of the buffer starting address registers in exactly the same way as it is following execution of instructions in sequence. If a match occurs the required instruction is selected from the appropriate buffer, and if not a block transfer is initiated. Separate subroutines, or even non-contiguous segments of code within a loop, may be held concurrently in separate buffers.

Instruction Issue

An instruction in CIP is issued when the conditions in the function units and operating registers are such that the instruction can be carried through to completion without conflicting with any previously issued, but as yet uncompleted instructions. In a single clock period, any number of the V registers can accept a result but only one A register and one S register can do so. Issue of an instruction is therefore delayed if it would cause a result to arrive at either of the S or A registers at the same time as a result from an instruction previously issued to a different function unit. Furthermore, an instruction cannot be issued if it requires as an input operand the content of a register that is awaiting a result from an as yet uncompleted instruction (the well known Read-After-Write problem).

To meet these requirements, the Cray-1 uses a reservation mechanism (similar to that used in the CDC 7600). When an instruction is issued that will deliver a new result to a V, S or A register, a reservation is set for that register which prevents the issuing of any subsequent instruction requiring the use of that register until the result has been delivered. In the model, the reservations on the S and A registers are displayed in two ways: (1) in the Project View pane by the presence of an "R" under the relevant register number; (2) in the CIP section of the Parameters pane by the presence of a function unit identifying letter ("A" for Add, etc) in the S_entries/A_entries queues, which show the progress of the instruction through the relevant function unit pipeline. The reservation mechanism for the V registers is more complex, as explained below in the section describing Demonstration Program 3.

The first action that occurs at the start of a simulation is the P Register sending its current value to the Instruction Buffers (effectively a branch, to location 0 in this case). Initially the Bank Address Registers are set to all 1's while the buffers themselves are all empty. The Instruction Buffers therefore send a request to Memory. When the first 16 instruction parcels arrive from Memory, they are loaded into Instruction Buffer 0 and the instruction at address 0 is sent to NIP and thence to CIP. The first 4 instructions set up values in registers A0 - A3 for use in later instructions in the progaram. The next instruction is a conditional branch instruction, for which the condition is not satisfied, so doesn't branch. This is shown to be the case by the execution of the next instruction which increments A2. The instruction after this is a conditional branch for which the condition is satisfied, so does branch, to an instruction that is not in Buffer 0. This causes a second request to Memory and the returned instructions to be loaded into Buffer 1.

Subsequent instructions check for correct branch/no branch outcomes of all the different conditional and unconditional branch instructions and for correct operation of the buffers. In Table 2 each branch from/to pair in the program is highlighted in a different colour. Entries in the IB Action column show the actions that occur in the Buffers each time P is updated by a branch instruction.

The last instruction to be executed is an 004 (normal exit) instruction that stops the simulation. The ijk fields of an 004 instruction are ignored in the Cray-1 itself but this simulation model uses the ijk value to report which instance of the 004 instruction in the program ended the simulation. In this case the report should be "Simulation stopped by 004 instruction 0". At the end of the simulation the value in A2 should be 13, while the value in A3 should be unaltered, i.e. 0.

PIB Action g  h i j k InstructionResult
00 Fill Buffer 0 02 2 0 0 0 Transmit jk to A0 A0 = 0
01 02 2 1 0 1 Transmit jk to A1 A1 = 1
02 02 2 2 0 0 Transmit jk to A2 A2 = 0
03 02 2 3 0 0 Transmit jk to A3 A3 = 0
04 01 1 0 0 0 Branch to ijkm if (A0) ≠ 0
05 00 0 0 1 5 Doesn't branch
06 03 0 2 2 1 Integer sum of (A2) and (A1) to A2 A2 = 1
07 01 0 0 0 0 Branch to ijkm if (A0) = 0
08 00 0 1 0 0 Branch to P = 000040
09 03 0 3 3 1 Integer sum of (A3) and (A1) to A3 not executed
0A Same Buffer 00 4 0 0 1 Normal exit Stop (1)
0B Switch to Buffer 0 00 7 0 0 0 Return jump to ijkm; set B00 to (P)
0C 00 0 4 0 0 Branch to P = 000100
0D Overwrite Buffer 0 00 6 0 0 0 Branch to ijkm
0E 00 0 0 1 2 Branch to 00000A
0F 00 0 0 0 0
... 00 0 0 0 0
3E 00 0 0 0 0
40 Fill Buffer 103 0 2 2 1 Integer sum of (A2) and (A1) to A2 A2 = 2
41 01 3 0 0 0 Branch to ijkm if (A0) negative
42 00 0 0 1 5 Doesn't branch
43 03 0 2 2 1 Integer sum of (A2) and (A1) to A2 A2 = 3
44 01 2 0 0 0 Branch to ijkm if (A0) positive
45 00 0 2 2 6 Branch to P = 000096
46 03 0 3 3 1 Integer sum of (A3) and (A1) to A3 not executed
47 00 4 0 0 2 Normal exit Stop (2)
48 00 0 0 0 0
... 00 0 0 0 0
95 00 0 0 0 0
96 Fill Buffer 203 1 0 0 1 Integer difference of (A0) and (A1) to A0 A0 = -1
97 03 0 2 2 1 Integer sum of (A2) and (A1) to A2 A2 = 4
98 01 0 0 0 0 Branch to ijkm if (A0) = 0
99 00 0 0 1 5 Doesn't branch
9A 03 0 2 2 1 Integer sum of (A2) and (A1) to A2 A2 = 5
9B 01 1 0 0 0 Branch to ijkm if (A0) ≠ 0
9C 00 0 3 0 0 Branch to P = 0000C0
9D 03 0 3 3 1 Integer sum of (A3) and (A1) to A3 not executed
9E 00 4 0 0 3 Normal exit Stop (3)
9F 00 0 0 0 0
... 00 0 0 0 0
BF 00 0 0 0 0
C0 Fill Buffer 3 03 0 2 2 1 Integer sum of (A2) and (A1) to A2 A2 = 6
C1 01 2 0 0 0 Branch to ijkm if (A0) positive
C2 00 0 0 1 5 Doesn't branch
C3 03 0 2 2 1 Integer sum of (A2) and (A1) to A2 A2 = 7
C4 01 3 0 0 0 Branch to ijkm if (A0) negative
C5 00 0 0 1 3 Branch to P = 00000B
C6 03 0 3 3 1 Integer sum of (A3) and (A1) to A3 not executed
C7 00 4 0 0 4 Normal exit Stop (4)
C8 00 0 0 0 0
... 00 0 0 0 0
FF 00 0 0 0 0
100 Overwrite Buffer 004 0 0 0 0 Transmit jkm to Si
101 00 0 0 0 0 S0 = 0
102 04 0 1 0 0 Transmit jkm to Si
103 00 0 0 0 1 S1 = 1
104 01 5 0 0 0 Branch to ijkm if (S0) ≠ 0
105 00 0 0 1 5 Doesn't branch
106 03 0 2 2 1 Integer sum of (A2) and (A1) to A2 A2 = 8
107 01 6 0 0 0 Branch to ijkm if (S0) = 0
108 00 0 5 0 0 Branch to P = 000140
109 03 0 3 3 1 Integer sum of (A3) and (A1) to A3 not executed
10A 00 4 0 0 5 Normal exit Stop (5)
10B 00 0 0 0 0
... 00 0 0 0 0
13F 00 0 0 0 0
140 Overwrite Buffer 103 0 2 2 1 Integer sum of (A2) and (A1) to A2 A2 = 9
141 01 7 0 0 0 Branch to ijkm if (S0) negative
142 00 0 0 1 5 Doesn't branch
143 03 0 2 2 1 Integer sum of (A2) and (A1) to A2 A2 = 10
144 01 6 0 0 0 Branch to ijkm if (S0) positive
145 00 0 6 0 0 Branch to P = 000180
146 03 0 3 3 1 Integer sum of (A3) and (A1) to A3 not executed
147 00 4 0 0 6 Normal exit Stop (6)
148 00 0 0 0 0
... 00 0 0 0 0
17F 00 0 0 0 0
180 Overwrite Buffer 2 06 1 0 0 1 Integer difference of (Sj) and (Sk) to Si S0 = -1
181 01 4 0 0 0 Branch to ijkm if (S0) = 0
182 00 0 0 1 5 Doesn't branch
183 03 0 2 2 1 Integer sum of (A2) and (A1) to A2 A2 = 11
184 01 5 0 0 0 Branch to ijkm if (A0) ≠ 0
185 00 0 7 0 0 Branch to P = 0001C0
186 03 0 3 3 1 Integer sum of (A3) and (A1) to A3 not executed
187 00 4 0 0 7 Normal exit Stop (7)
188 00 0 0 0 0
... 00 0 0 0 0
1BF 00 0 0 0 0
1C0 Overwrite Buffer 3 03 0 2 2 1 Integer sum of (A2) and (A1) to A2 A2 = 12
1C1 01 6 0 0 0 Branch to ijkm if (S0) positive
1C2 00 0 0 1 5 Doesn't branch
1C3 03 0 2 2 1 Integer sum of (A2) and (A1) to A2 A2 = 13
1C4 01 7 0 0 0 Branch to ijkm if (S0) negative
1C5 00 0 7 0 7 Branch to P = 0001C7
1C6 03 0 3 3 1 Integer sum of (A3) and (A1) to A3 not executed
1C7 Same Buffer00 5 0 0 0 Branch to Bjk Branch to P = 00000D

Table 2. Demonstration Program 1

Demonstration Program 2

Block Transfer, Address & Scalar instructions

The Block Transfer instructions 034-037 (Memory to B Registers, B Registers to Memory, Memory to T Registers, T Registers to Memory) use the value in A0 as the starting address in memory and the value of jk as the starting register number to transfer the number of words given by the value in Ai from/to Memory and the B/T registers. If register B77/T77 is reached before all (Ai) values have been transferred, processing continues at B00/T00.

Transfers between the B/T registers and the A/S registers use the i field to select the A/S register and jk to select the B/T register. Transfers to/from the Vector Mask (VM) register use the j/i field respectively to select an S register.

The Address Units

The Address Add and Address Multiply Units perform 24-bit 2's complement integer arithmetic on operands obtained from the A registers and both return their results to an A register. The Address Add Unit (which performs both addition and subtraction) is pipelined into two stages. The Address Multiply Unit is pipelined into six stages; it produces as its result the least significant 24 bits of the integer product of two 24-bit operands. Address multiplication is frequently used in the handling of multi-dimensional arrays.

The Scalar Units

The Scalar Add, Scalar Shift and Scalar Logical Units perform operations on 64-bit operands taken from S registers and each delivers a 64-bit result to an S register. The Scalar Add Unit performs 2's complement integer addition and subtraction and is pipelined into three stages. The Scalar Shift Unit performs single and double-length shifts on one or two S register operands, the former requiring two clock periods and the latter three (only single-length shifts have so far been implemented in the model). The Scalar Logical Unit produces its results in one clock period. It performs Logical Product (AND), Logical Sum (OR) and Logical Difference (Non-equivalence) operations.

The fourth unit in this group is the Population and Leading Zero Count Unit which takes a 64-bit operand from an S register and returns a 7-bit result, equal to the number of ones in the operand or the number of zeros preceding the most significant 1 in the operand, to an A register. The first of these operations requires four clock periods for its execution, and the second three.

P g  h i j k InstructionResult
Integer values are shown in black, hexadecimal values in blue
0002 0 0 0 0 Transmit jkm to A0
0100 0 4 0 0 m field A0 = 256
0202 2 1 1 0 Transmit jk to A1 A1 = 8
0303 4 1 7 4 Block transfer: Memory to B registers B60-63 = 128-131, B00-03 = 132-135
0402 4 2 7 4 Transmit (B60) to A2 A2 = 128
0502 4 3 7 5 Transmit (B61) to A3 A3 = 129
0603 2 4 2 3 Integer product of (A2) and (A3) to A4 A4 = 16512
0703 0 5 0 3 Integer sum of (A0) and (A3) to A5 A5 =129 [A0 = 0]
0803 0 6 4 0 Integer sum of (A4) and (A0) to A6 A6 =16513 [A0 = 1]
0903 0 7 4 5 Integer sum of (A4) and (A5) to A7 A7 =16641
0A02 5 6 0 4 Transmit (A6) to B04 B04 = 16513
0B02 5 7 0 5 Transmit (A7) to B05 B05 =16641
0C02 1 4 0 1 Transmit ~jkm to A4
0D00 0 0 7 1 m field A4 = -65594
0E02 5 4 0 6 Transmit (A4) to B06 B06 = -65594
0F03 1 4 7 6 Integer difference of (A7) and (A6) to A4 A4 = 128
1002 5 4 0 7 Transmit (A4) to B07 B07 = 128
1104 0 1 0 0 Transmit jkm to S1
1200 0 0 0 1 m field S1 = 1
1304 0 2 5 2 Transmit jkm to S2
1401 0 5 7 5 m field S2 = 2756989
1504 1 3 0 0 Transmit ~jkm to S3
1600 0 0 0 1 m field S3 = -2
1702 6 1 1 0 Population count of S1 to A1 A1 = 1
1802 7 2 1 0 Leading zero count of S1 to A2 A2 = 63
1902 6 3 2 0 Population count of S2 to A3 A3 = 11
1A02 7 4 2 0 Leading zero count of S2 to A4 A4 = 42
1B02 6 5 3 0 Population count of S3 to A5 A5 = 63
1C02 7 6 3 0 Leading zero count of S3 to A6 A6 = 0
1D02 3 7 2 0 Transmit S2 to A7 A7 = 2756989
1E02 5 1 1 0 Transmit (A1) to B08 B08 = 1
1F02 5 2 1 1 Transmit (A2) to B09 B09 = 63
2002 5 3 1 2 Transmit (A3) to B10 B10 = 11
2102 5 4 1 3 Transmit (A4) to B11 B11 = 42
2202 5 5 1 4 Transmit (A5) to B12 B12 = 63
2302 5 6 1 5 Transmit (A6) to B13 B13 = 0
2402 5 7 1 6 Transmit (A7) to B14 B14 = 2756989
2502 0 0 0 0 Transmit jkm to A0
2600 0 6 0 0 m field A0 = 384
2702 2 1 1 3 Transmit 11 to A1 A1 = 11
2803 5 1 0 4 Block transfer: B registers to Memory M[384-394] = (B04-14)
2902 0 0 0 0 Transmit jkm to A0
2A00 0 4 1 5 m field A0 = 269
2B02 2 1 0 4 Transmit jk to A1 A1 = 4
2C03 6 1 0 0 Block transfer: Memory to T registers T00-03 = 141, 142, 143, 256
2D07 4 0 0 0 Transmit (T00) to S0 S0 = 141
2E07 4 1 0 1 Transmit (T01) to S1 S1 = 142
2F06 0 3 0 1 Integer sum of (S0) and (S1) to S3 S3 = 142 [S0 = 0]
3007 4 2 0 2 Transmit (T02) to S2 S2 = 143
3106 0 4 1 2 Integer sum of (S1) and (S2) to S4 S4 = 285
3206 1 5 3 4 Integer difference of (S3) and (S4) to S5 S5 = -143
3307 5 3 1 0 Transmit (S3) to T08 T08 = 142
3407 5 4 1 1 Transmit (S4) to T09 T09 = 285
3507 5 5 1 2 Transmit (S5) to T10 T10 = -143
3604 0 1 2 5 Transmit jkm to S1
3725 2 5 2 5m field S1 = 0000000000155555
3805 1 2 0 1 Logical sum of (S0) and (S1) to S2 S2 = 0000000000155555 [S0 = 0]
3905 4 2 2 6Shift (S2) left 22 places to S2 S2 = 0000055555400000
3A05 1 2 2 1Logical sum of (S2) and (S1) to S2 S2 = 0000055555555555
3B05 4 2 2 6Shift (S2) left 22 places to S2 S2 = 5555555555400000
3C05 1 2 2 1 Logical sum of (S2) and (S1) to S2 S2 = 5555555555555555
3D00 3 0 2 0Transmit (S2) to vector mask VM = 5555555555555555
3E07 3 3 0 0Transmit (VM) to S3 S3 = 1431655765
3F05 3 3 3 0Shift S3 right 64-24 places to S0S0 = 5592405
4005 5 3 2 1Shift S3 right 64-17 places to S3 S3 = 000000000000AAAA
4107 5 0 1 3 Transmit (S0) to T11 T11 = 5592405
4207 5 3 1 4 Transmit (S3) to T12 T12 = 170
4305 2 4 0 4 Shift (S4) left jk places to S0 S0 = 4560
4407 5 0 1 5 Transmit (S0) to T13 T13 = 4560
4504 2 1 6 3 Form 64-51 bits of 1's mask in S1 from right S1 = 0000000000001FFF
4604 3 2 6 6 Form 54 bits of 1's mask in S2 from left S2 = -1024
4704 4 4 1 3 Logical product of (S1) and (S3) to S4 S4 = 0000000000000AAA
4804 5 5 1 3 Logical product of (S1) and ~(S3) to S5 S5 = 0000000000001555
4904 6 6 1 3 Logical difference of (S1) and (S3) to S6 S6 = 000000000000B555
4A04 7 7 1 3 Logical equivalence of (S1) and (S3) to S7 S7 = FFFFFFFFFFFF4AAA
4B07 5 1 1 6Transmit (S1) to T14T14 = 8191
4C07 5 2 1 7Transmit (S2) to T15T15 = -1024
4D07 5 3 2 0Transmit (S3) to T16T16 = 43690
4E07 5 4 2 1Transmit (S4) to T17T17 = 2730
4F07 5 5 2 2Transmit (S5) to T18T18 = 5461
5007 5 6 2 3Transmit (S6) to T19T19 = 46421
5107 5 7 2 4Transmit (S7) to T20T20 = -46422
5202 0 0 0 0Transmit jkm to Ai
5300 0 6 2 0 m field A0 = 400
5402 2 1 1 5Transmit jk to A1 A1 = 13
5503 7 1 1 0Block Transfer (A1) T registers to memoryM[400-412] = (T08-20)
5610 2 6 0 0Read from ((A2) + jkm) to A6
5700 0 3 5 3m fieldA6 = M[298] = 394
5811 6 7 0 0Store (A7) to (A6) + jkm
5900 0 0 0 1m fieldM[395] = 2A117D
5A12 2 6 0 0Read from ((A2) + jkm) to S1
5B00 0 3 5 4m fieldS1 = M[299] = 395
5C13 6 7 0 0Store (S7) to (A6) + jkm
5D00 0 0 0 2m fieldM[396] = FFFFFFFFFFFF4AAA
5E00 4 0 0 0 Stop

Table 3. Demonstration Program 2

Demonstration Program 3

Vector Instructions

Vector Register Reservations

Whilst a vector operation is being executed, a reservation is set not only for the result register but also for the operand register(s). The need for these reservations arises from the nature of the integrated circuits used in the construction of the V registers. These each contain 16 x 4 bits, representing 4 data bits in each of 16 vector register elements, and only one set of 4 bits can be accessed in any one clock period. If two vector instructions using the same operand V registers were in progress at the same time, they would require access to two different elements simultaneously. Similarly, in the case of a result register it is impossible to read one element from within a vector register while a new value is being written into another element. These reservations do not apply to S registers taking part in vector operations or to the VL register, since their values are copied into the unit carrying out the operation when the instruction is issued.

The only other exception to these reservation requirements occurs when an element value which is being delivered to a vector register can, in the same clock period, be routed to another functional unit as an input operand. This arrangement allows chaining of vector operations. Chaining starts when a match occurs between one of the V register operand designators of an instruction awaiting issue in CIP, and the V register result designator of a previously issued instruction which has not yet returned its first result element. When this element becomes available for delivery to the result register, the instruction in CIP is issued (provided there are no other hold-ups) and the result element is forwarded with this instruction to the appropriate functional unit. Successive elements follow until the whole vector has been both written into its result register and forwarded to the second functional unit. The results of this second vector operation may themselves be chained into a third operation, and so on, as shown in the following example:

V0 ← Memory
V1 ← Memory
V2 ← S1 * V1
V3 ← V0 + V2

Assuming that VL is set to 64, the first instruction causes 64 operands from a designated area in memory to be read out and copied in sequence into the 64 element positions in V0. Store requests are pipelined in such a way that the store appears to the processor as a pseudo functional unit. Thus after a start-up delay of seven clock periods, the first element of the vector from store becomes available for delivery to V2, and successive elements follow in successive clock periods.

The second instruction can only be issued once the first instruction has completed because only one vector element at a time can be read from Memory. In the clock period following the issue of the second instruction, the third instruction in the sequence is copied into CIP, but the reservation on V1 prevents it from being issued immediately. This reservation is lifted, however, allowing the instruction to issue, during the clock period in which the first vector element arrives from Memory ready for delivery to V1. This clock period is known as chain slot time. Chaining allows the vector elements being copied into V1 to flow directly from the memory read pipeline into the Floating-point Multiply Unit pipeline, where each element is multiplied by the value taken from S1 at the start of the operation, to produce the vector V2.

The fourth instruction in the sequence becomes ready for issue in the clock period following issue of the third instruction, and it too is held up by a reservation on one of its input operands, this time V2. When the first element of V2 appears from the Floating-point Multiply Unit, the reservation on V2 is lifted, allowing this fourth instruction to issue. Now the elements emanating from the Floating-point Multiply Unit can flow directly into the Floating-point Add Unit pipeline as well as into the result register V2. Thus the memory read pipeline, and the Floating-point Multiply and Floating-point Add Unit pipelines are all chained together to produce the elements of V3. One of the reasons why this works is that the memory and the functional units can each deliver a new result in each successive clock period. In Program 3 in the model, the instruction at P = 02 sets VL to 16 (to avoid the tedium of watching 64-element operations), while the 4 instructions described above are at P = 05 and P = 0A - 0C. The instructions at P = 06 - 09 can proceed whilst the transfer from Memory to V1 is in progress, since they don't involve any Memory accesses. Likewise, the instruction at P = 0D, which sets A0 equal to the Memory start address for the subsequent block transfer of V5 to Memory, can proceed whilst the floating sums operation is in progress, but the block transfer itself cannot be chained to the floating sums operation because the first action of a block transfer instruction, at chain slot time, is the transfer of the start address in A0 to the Vector Registers, not the first transfer of a data value to Memory.

P g  h i j k InstructionResult
Integer values are shown in black, hexadecimal values in blue
00 02 2 1 2 0 Transmit jk to A1 A1 = 16
01 02 2 2 0 1 Transmit jk to A2 A2 = 1
02 00 2 0 0 1 Transmit (A1) to VL VL = 16
03 02 0 0 0 0 Transmit jkm to A0
04 00 0 4 0 0 m field A0 = 256
05 17 6 0 0 2 Block transfer:
Memory[256-271] to V0
V0 = 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135,
          136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143
06 04 0 1 0 0Transmit jkm to S1
07 00 0 0 0 5 m field S1 = 5
08 02 0 0 0 0 Transmit jkm to A0
09 00 0 4 4 0 m field A0 = 272
0A 17 6 1 0 2 Block transfer:
Memory[272-287] to V1
V1 = 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 398, 390, 391,
          392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399
0B 16 0 2 1 1 Floating products
(S1) and (V1) to V2
(V1 chained)
V2 = 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955,
          1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995
0C 17 1 3 2 0 Floating sums
(V2) and (V0) to V3
(V2 chained)
V3 = 2048, 2054, 2060, 2066, 2072, 2078, 2084, 2090,
          2096, 2102, 2108, 2114, 2120, 2126, 2132, 2138
0D 16 1 4 0 1 Floating products
(V0) and (V1) to V4
V4 = 49152, 49665, 50180, 50697, 51216, 51737,
          52260, 52785, 53312, 53841, 54372, 54905,
          55440, 55977, 56516, 57057
0E 04 0 2 0 0Transmit jkm to S2
0F 15 0 1 0 0 m field S2 = 53312
10 17 2 5 2 4 Floating differences
(S2) and (V4) to V5
(V4 chained)
V5 = 4160, 3647, 3132, 2615, 2096, 1575, 1052, 527,
          0, -529, -1060, -1593, -2128, -2665, -3204, -3745
11 02 0 0 0 0 Transmit jkm to A0
12 00 0 6 2 0m field A0 = 384
13 17 7 0 5 2 Block transfer:
V5 to Memory
(Can't be chained)
Memory[384-399] = (V5)
14 04 0 2 0 0 Transmit jkm to S2
15 00 3 6 3 6 m field S2 = 1950
16 17 0 6 3 0 Floating sums
(S3) and (V0) to V6
V6 = 2078, 2079, 2080, 2081, 2082, 2083, 2084, 2085,
          2086, 2087, 2088, 2089, 2090, 2091, 2092, 2093
17 02 0 0 0 0 Transmit jkm to A0
18 00 0 5 0 0 m field A0 = 320
19 17 6 0 0 2 Block transfer:
Memory[320-335] to V0
V0 = 42, -56, 0, -27, 17, 0, -48, 0,
          89, 0, 127, -96, 0, -45, 74, -25
1A 17 5 0 0 0 VM[e] = 1 if (V0[e]) = 0
(V0 chained)
VM = 2548000000000000
1B 14 7 3 1 2 Merge (V1) and (V2) to V3 V3 = 1920, 1925, 386, 1935, 1940, 389, 1950, 391,
          1960, 393, 1970, 1975, 396, 1985, 1990, 1995
1C 17 5 0 0 1 VM[e] = 1 if (V0[e]) != 0 VM = DAB7000000000000
1D 04 0 4 0 0Transmit jkm to S4
1E 01 2 3 4 5 m field S4 = 5349
1F 14 6 4 4 2 Merge (S4) and (V2) to V4 V4 = 5349, 5349, 1930, 5349, 5349, 1945, 5349, 1955,
          5349, 1965, 5349, 5349, 1980, 5349, 5349, 5349
20 17 5 0 0 2 VM[e] = 1 if (V0[e]) >= 0 VM = ADEA000000000000
21 14 7 5 1 2 Merge (V1) and (V2) to V5 V5 = 384, 1925, 386, 1935, 388, 389, 1950, 391,
          392, 393, 394, 1975, 396, 1985, 398, 1995
22 17 5 0 0 3 VM[e] = 1 if (V0[e]) < 0 VM = 5215000000000000
23 14 7 6 1 2 Merge (V1) and (V2) to V6 V6 = 1920, 385, 1930, 387, 1940, 1945, 390, 1955,
          1960, 1965, 1970, 395, 1980, 397, 1990, 399
  = 780, 181, 78A, 183, 794, 799, 186, 7A3,
    78A, 78D, 7B2, 18B, 7BC, 18D, 7C6, 18F
24 15 5 7 4 5Integer sums of
(V4) and (V5) to V7
V7 = 5477, 5734, 516, 5736, 5481, 522, 5739, 526,
      5485, 530, 5487, 5744, 536, 5746, 5491, 5748
  = 1565, 1666, 0204, 1668, 1569, 020A, 1668, 020E,
    156D, 0212, 156F, 1670, 0218, 1672, 1573, 1674
25 04 0 5 0 0Transmit jkm to S5
26 00 0 7 7 7 m field S5 = 511 1FF
27 14 0 3 5 7 Logical products of
(S5) and (V7) to V3
V3 = 357, 102, 4, 104, 361, 10, 107, 14
          365, 18, 367, 112, 24, 114, 371, 116
  = 165, 066, 004, 068, 169, 00A, 06B, 00E
    16D, 012, 16F, 070, 018, 072, 173, 074
28 15 7 4 5 3Integer differences of
(V5) and (V3) to V4
(V3 chained)
V4 = -229, 283, 126, 283, -229, 123, 283, 121,
          -229, 119, -229, 283, 116, 283, -229, 283
29 14 3 5 3 6Logical sums of
(V3) and (V6) to V5
V5 = 485, 231, 390, 235, 493, 399, 239, 399,
          493, 411, 495, 251, 412, 255, 511, 255
2A 14 4 2 5 3Logical differences of
(S5) and (V3) to V2
V2 = 09A, 199, 1FB, 197, 096, 1F5, 194, 1F1,
          092, 1ED, 090, 18F, 1E7, 18D, 08C, 18B
2B 07 7 0 4 1 Transmit (S4)
to V0 element (A1)
V0 element 16 = 5349
2C 07 6 3 3 2 Transmit V3
element (A2) to S3
S3 = V3 element 1 = 102
2D 02 2 3 0 4 Transmit jk to A3 A3 = 4
2E 15 0 6 5 3 Single shift of (V5) left
by (A3) places to V6
V6 = 32336, 7856, 30944, 8084, 32720, 31216,
          6256, 31408, 32464, 31728, 32752, 6640,
          32704, 6896, 32624, 7152
2F 15 1 7 6 0 Single shift of (V6) right
by 1 place to V7
(shift by 1 if k = 0)
V7 = 16168, 3928, 15472, 4024, 16360, 15608,
          3128, 15704, 16232, 15864, 16376, 3320,
          16352, 3448, 16312, 3576
30 17 4 1 7 1 Population count
of (V7) to V1
V1 = 8, 7, 7, 8, 10, 9, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 7, 9, 7, 10, 8
31 17 4 2 7 2 Population count parities
of (V7) to V2
V2 = 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0
32 00 4 0 0 0 Stop

Table 4. Demonstration Program 3


  1. "CRAY-1 Hardware Reference Manual", May 1982
    Available from    Return

  2. Roland N. Ibbett
    "The Architecture of High Performance Computers"
    The Macmillan Press, 1982
    Available from Springer Book Archives    Return