CSG Technical Reports 1995
- Integrating
Behavioural and Simulation Modelling
Rob Pooley
CSG report ECS-CSG-8-95, March 1995.
- Dynamic Randomized
Simulation of Hierarchical PRAMs on Meshes
Todd Heywood and Claudia Leopold
CSG report ECS-CSG-9-95, May 1995.
- Implementing the
Hierarchical PRAM on the 2D Mesh: Analyses and
George Chochia, Murray Cole and Todd Heywood
CSG report ECS-CSG-10-95, May 1995.
- Simulation
Experiments with Protocol Interactions in ATM Networks
Stephen Cusack and Rob Pooley
CSG report ECS-CSG-11-95, June 1995.
- A Survey of
Performance Analysis Tools in Europe
Rob Pooley
CSG report ECS-CSG-12-95, June 1995.
- Performance Evaluation
of Computer Systems
Rob Pooley
CSG report ECS-CSG-13-95, June 1995.
- Large Deviations of
the Sojourn Time for Queues in Series
A.J. Ganesh
CSG report ECS-CSG-14-95, July 1995.
- The POSIE Project:
Studies to Support the Design of Operating Systems for
Rosemary Candlin
CSG report ECS-CSG-15-95, July 1995.
- Optimization
Strategies for Parallel Linear Recursive Query Processing
Thomas Zurek and Peter Thanisch
CSG report ECS-CSG-16-95, July 1995.
- On the Scope and
Applicability of the ETF Algorithm
Cristina Boeres, George Chochia and Peter Thanisch
CSG report ECS-CSG-17-95, August 1995.
- Lower Bounds on
Average Time for Random Destination Mesh Routing and
Their Utility as Performance Predictors for PRAM
George Chochia, Murray Cole and Todd Heywood
CSG report ECS-CSG-18-95, October 1995.
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