First-year Ph.D. Taught Course Requirements
In addition to general requirements of the University and of
the Informatics Graduate School, ICSA expects its Ph.D. students
to have a knowledge and understanding of the following computer
systems areas, to a level equivalent to an Edinburgh Honours graduate:
- computer architecture
- computer networks, parallel and distributed systems
- database technology and transaction processing
- compiler techniques
- system-level integration
as well as knowledge and practical understanding of:
- algorithms, data structures and programming
- modelling and simulation
Where necessary, first-year students must attend appropriate
M.Sc. modules to rectify any shortcomings in their technical
background. Also, supervisors will prescribe attendance at
M.Sc. modules, or other courses or workshops offered within
the Division, that are particularly relevant to a student's
research area.
Last modified: Mon Mar 5 15:12:28 GMT 2007
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