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Institute for Computing Systems Architecture

Evaluation of Multiprocessor Interconnection Networks

The MPI models



The initial aim of the EMIN Project was to build realistic simulation models of actual networks, ranging from the clock cycle level up to high level software. This document describes the design of these models, and the lessons learnt while building them. The models built were a large packet switching crossbar, a generic multistage network and the Cray T3D torus interconnect.

The VLXbar

The VLXbar [1] ("Very Large Crossbar") was a proposal for a packet switched crossbar switch design based on an earlier design ("Xbar" [2]) which had been fabricated in silicon. The aim of the simulation study was to investigate some design alternatives and to visualise how the system behaved under a variety of workloads.

Figure 1 below shows the simulation model constructed using HASE. Down the left hand side are eight sources; these feed packets into the input queues. The outputs are also buffered; each output is shown in a dotted box and includes two output queues and arbiters to decide (a) when a flit (each packet transmission is composed of a number of flits) can go into an output queue and (b) which one. The output sinks are at the right hand side of the picture. The crossbar interconnect is an NxN connection between the input queues and the output queues (not shown in this visualisation).

image of xbar

Figure 1: The HASE model of the VLXbar network.

During model animation the queues fill and empty, the arbiters show which way they are arbiting and the input and output sinks and sources show when they are blocked and busy.

The report VLXbar terminology and arbitration details the low level timing details, terminology and arbitration policy used in the VLXbar models.

Traffic generation

A random workload was developed for the model's src entity. The parameters were utilisation and hot spot probability. Utilisation is defined as the proportion of time that the source is sending flits to the network. The easiest way of generating an X% utilisation workload is to use a random number generator to choose the time delay between sucessive packets (e.g. for 50% utilisation, choose a random delay with an average of the packet transmission time). This tends to produce more evenly distributed traffic than is realistic. Each packet transmission is composed of a number of flits, so a more sophisticated traffic generator was used which samples the random number generator after every flit to decide whether to initiate a new packet. If the decision is positive, the new packet will start immediately after the current one. This approach to generation leads to more realistic `bursty' traffic.

For this model a hot spot probability parameter was used to decide to send a packet to a fixed destination rather than to a random one.

From a single run of the simulation, the output id a detailed timing diagram and statistics collected by each entity. As an example, the sink entity gives the number of packets and flits received at each output, and the minimum, average and maximum delays packets suffered, as shown in the following table.

 (90% util, pkt size = 8, 10% hotspotting, 8
inputs, 1000 clk cycles):-
u:sinks0 at 1000.050000: C Pkts:68, flits:545, delay:(9,24,47)
u:sinks1 at 1000.050000: C Pkts:114, flits:915, delay:(15,127,221)
u:sinks2 at 1000.050000: C Pkts:30, flits:241, delay:(15,19,35)
u:sinks3 at 1000.050000: C Pkts:40, flits:326, delay:(15,21,36)
u:sinks4 at 1000.050000: C Pkts:76, flits:608, delay:(15,51,130)
u:sinks5 at 1000.050000: C Pkts:51, flits:408, delay:(15,20,45)
u:sinks6 at 1000.050000: C Pkts:103, flits:824, delay:(9,119,240)
u:sinks7 at 1000.050000: C Pkts:115, flits:926, delay:(9,74,157)
For multiple runs of the simulation, the effect on output performance varying input parameters was obtained. The following graphs show the effects on the system components of varying the utilisation.

Figure 2: Utilisation vs Max input queue length.

Figure 2 shows how the maximum input queue length increases fairly linearly as utilisation increases.

Figure 3: Utilisation vs output queues length

Figure 3 shows how the average output queue lengths increase up to an average of 1 at 70% utilisation and then level out. This is because once the output queue length hits an average of one, the outputs are saturated.

Figure 4: Utilisation vs packet delay distribution (with and without clawback)

The upper graph in Figure 4 shows how the average and maximum packet delay varies with utilisation. The lower graph shows the 10 percentile distribution. There is a the big jump at 80% in the maximum packet delay (and the slower growth in the average packet delay); some of the packets start to be very slow above 80% utilisation.

Figure 5: Utilisation vs output arbitration and multiplexor performance

Figure 5 shows the percentages of time the output arbiters and multiplexors are in the states NONE (i.e. idle), Q1 (arbitrating for output queue 1), Q2 (arbitrating for output queue 2) and SEND1 (i.e. sending from output queue 1 to the sink), SEND2 (i.e. sending from output queue 2 to the sink).

Figure 6: Utilisation vs source and sink performance

Figure 6 shows the influence of the network on the source (upper graph) and sink (lower graph); the source is never blocked until 80% utilisation, and the sink processes progressively more flits until the network starts to saturate.

Multistage networks

The VLXbar was designed to be useful as a component of multistage switching networks so the simulation model described above was also used as a component to build such multistage networks. A framework was constructed which allowed any size of crossbar to be used as the switching element and the detailed multi-entity model above was replaced by a single entity encapsulating all the behaviour.


The routing algorithm for the general N way omega network is given in C++ below:
void mstage_src::construct_route(int dest, int *buf, int *i)
  /* Construct route from here to there */
  *i = 0;
  /* For each stage */
  /* dest = bit pattern */
  /* 00 11 01 10 */
  /* Shift dest by log2(swsize)
   * and with mask of swsize -1 
  int mask = swsize-1;
  int lgswsize = ilog2(swsize);
  for (int s=nstages-1; s>=0; s--) {
    buf[s] = dest & mask;
    dest >>= lgswsize;
  (*i) = nstages;
The basic idea is that the first flit arriving at the crossbar determines the destination address which is stripped from the packet when it leaves. In a multistage network with three stages, the first flit of the packet determines the route through the first stage, the next determins the route through the second and the third flit is the address through the third crossbar. When the packet emerges, it has lost its address flits and just contains data.

The MPI interface

As well as using random workloads, the low level simulation models were also interfaced to the MPI interface. The MPI interface is the standard for writing message passing programs on parallel machines. Providing an MPI interface on top of a simulation model of a parallel network effectively creates a working implementation of MPI on the (simulated) platform.

This is not a trivial task. The MPI interface has a large number of functions ranging from basic message passing to collective reductions, gathering and scattering of complex data sets, and a wide variety of synchronisation options.

MPI source code for an implementation on LANs was available, however, and this was used as the base for the simulation interface.

The layers from the MPI program down to the low level network simulation model are as follows:-


To validate the MPI interface implementation, a number of basic test programs were run (point-to-point, scatter, gather, barrier), and the MPI level output was checked for correctness.


A clock cycle simulation of a parallel machine was developed, running actual application code: each MPI call on each simulated processor caused many simulated packets to be generated; each simulated packet was made up of a number of flits; each flit caused a number of events to occur as it moved between the different input and output queues of each simulated switch it went through. As might therefore be expected, this resulted in a very slow implementation of MPI, and so in practice it was only realistic to run short test sequences. On a 64-processor model with crossbar, a simulation of MPI level all to all communication took approximately 20 minutes on a workstation.

A real system routing network: the T3D

A model of the T3D interconnection network was constructed at a similar level of detail to that built for the VLXbar. This was to see how the torus interconnect compared to a crossbar or multistage network, and also partly because the best way to really understand how a system works is to try and build a working model of it. The T3D was ideal for our purposes as it was (at the time) a state of the art network and a T3D system was available in EPCC.

Detailed hardware information was provided by Cray staff working at EPCC.

Low level behaviour of the T3D routing network

There are 6 different sizes of packet which can be sent through the Cray network, ranging from 3 flits up to 26. The types are given below:-
Type Size Contents
0 -3 route,dest,cmd
1 -6 route,dest,cmd,ad1,ad2,src
2 -8 route,dest,cmd,ad1,ad2,src,rad1,rad2
3 --8 route,dest,cmd,d1,d2,d3,d4,E5
4 -11 route,dest,cmd,ad1,ad2,src,d1,d2,d3,d4
5 -23 route,dest,cmd,d1..16
6 -26 route,dest,cmd,ad1,ad2,src,d1..16

The transactions use the above packet types for requests and responses as follows:-
Transaction Request Response
PE noncache rd 1 3
PE wr 1word 4 0
PE cache rd 1 5
PE wr 4word 6 0
BLT rd 1word 2 4
BLT wr 1word 4 0
BLT blk rd 2 6
BLT blk wr 6 0
pfetch rd 1 3
f&inc rd 1 3
f&inc wr 4 0
swap 4 3

PE is the processing element, the BLT is a DMA device which has access to the network, pfetch stands for prefetch, f&inc and swap are used for synchronisation.

The 'node' of the torus contains two CPUs, a network interface and a router with 6 bidirectional connections (left, right, up, down, in, out) as well as connections to and from the network interface. The router is actually made up of three switches: the X switch, the Y switch and the Z switch. Each switch routes both ways in its own dimension, and also has input and output connections for messages which are turning a corner.

The HASE++ simulation code for building a node is:-

  proc *pe0 = new proc(pe0name, new sim_port(nifname),
  proc *pe1 = new proc(pe1name, new sim_port(nifname),
  nif *n = new nif(nifname, 
                   new sim_port(pe0name), new sim_port(pe1name),
                   new sim_port(btename), new sim_port(netoname),
                   new sim_port(netiname),x,y,z);
  router *r = new router(new sim_port(nifname), new sim_port(nifname),
                         xp_i, xm_i,
                         yp_i, ym_i,
                         zp_i, zm_i,

The router is made up of three switches:-

  cswitch *xsw = new cswitch(xname,pein_i,xp_i,xm_i,
                           new sim_port(yname),
  cswitch *ysw = new cswitch(yname,new sim_port(xname),yp_i,ym_i,
                           new sim_port(zname),
  cswitch *zsw = new cswitch(zname,new sim_port(yname),zp_i,zm_i,

Deadlocks and virtual channels

Deadlocks can occur if there is a cyclical dependency (such as can happen in a torus). In order to break the cycle, virtual channels are implemented in the T3D routing strategy. Although there is only one physical connection between two switches, there are four virtual channels. Requests and responses use different virtual channels (so that they cannot block each other); there is also the idea of an "international date line"; messages must switch channels when they cross this point in the torus, breaking the cycle.

This was implemented in the model of the switch using an array of buffers:-

  // Virtual channels - each is an array of 8 flits.
  vc *vchan[3][4];

Arbitration must be done for the virtual channels as well as the physical connections. To give an idea of the complexity of the switch, the class definition file is given here:-

class cswitch : public hsim_entity {
  sim_port pdim, mdim, pein, swout;
  // Routing
  int x,y,z;
  int dim;              // 0=xsw, 1=ysw, 2=zsw
  virtual int route(int dest);  // Return op no.
  int route_dim(int i, int di, int dsz);  // Return M_OUT/P_POUT
  // Internal blocking 
  int op_blocked[3][4];
  int ip_blocked[3][4];
  int ip_dest[3][4];    // Dest op for given iq
  int op_ipno[3];       // ip no for given op
  int op_ipvc[3];       // ip vc no for given op
  void ok(int i, int v); // Send OK to ip/vch
  // Virtual channels - each is an array of 8 flits.
  vc *vchan[3][4];
void break_link(int input_no, int vc_no, int op);
  void make_link(int input_no, int vc_no, int op);
  // Conflict resolution for input
  int ip_pri;
  int vc_pri;
  int ip_dist( int ip );        // distance of ip from pri
  int vc_dist( int vc );
  void rotate_priorities();
  void resolve_conflict(int&i1,int&vc1,int i2, int vc2);
  sim_port* get_op_port(int i);
  sim_port* get_ip_port(int i);
  int get_op_no( sim_event &ev );
  int get_ip_no( sim_event &ev );
  void send_qe(queue_elem &qe, int dest);
  void wait_for_msg();
  void swallow_clocks();
  void make_clock();
  void recv_input_msgs();
  void recv_oks();
  void forward_flits();
  void arbitrate();
  void handle_msgs();
  void dump_state();
         sim_port *pein_i, sim_port *pdim_i, sim_port *mdim_i, 
         sim_port *swout_i,
         int x_i, int y_i, int z_i, int dim_i );
  void body();


With tracing switched off, the T3D model ran at 12500 events per second (using HASE++ on a Sun SPARC-20). For a 32 processor simulation running MPI code, this worked out at just under 1 second real time per simulated clock cycle. Thus it proved infeasible to run anything other than small test programs to verify the model, and so no meaningful performance figures could be obtained by this technique.


This phase of the project produced: MPI software was successfully interfaced with cycle level simulation models, but the simulation performance was such that it was unrealistic to simulate programs of more than a few MPI calls - and totally unrealistic to run large applications on the simulation models. Porting the simulation environment to the Cray T3D did not help particularly; the uniprocessors of the T3D are no faster than workstations, the T3D memory system is not optimised for DE simulation programs (it has a small, single level cache and no secondary cache; it was necessary to write a threading library as none was provided by Cray Research), and developing a parallel simulation engine was infeasible because of the amount of time this would have involved.

Building the models did provide useful insight into the low level behaviours of these networks, and led to a new approach described in the next section of this report.


HASE Project
Institute for Computing Systems Architecture, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
Last modified: Tue July 14 1998