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Institute for Computing Systems Architecture


A discrete event simulation package for Java

With applications in computer systems modelling.

Fred Howell and Ross McNab


simjava is a toolkit for building working models of complex systems. It is based around a discrete event simulation kernel and includes facilities for representing simulation objects as animated icons on screen. Simjava simulations may be incorporated as ``live diagrams'' into web documents.

This paper describes the design, component model, applications and future of simjava.


Our motivation for writing simulations in Java was to allow ``live diagrams'' to be incorporated into web pages. We had been developing C++ based visual simulations of computer architectures and parallel software systems as part of the HASE package (Ibbett, Heywood and Howell 1995), and saw the emergence of Java as an opportunity to make simulation models more widely available and easily accessible.

Like many of the other groups who have written Java simulation libraries, we based the system on an existing C++ simulation package.

The design aim was for simjava to be a set of ``simulation foundation classes'' useful for constructing and animating discrete event simulation models. The computer architecture and software models we were interested in required the full flexibility of a programming language for expressing behaviours of components, rather than queueing models. Simjava is actually a collection of three packages, eduni.simjava, eduni.simanim and eduni.simdiag. eduni.simjava is a package for building stand alone text only java simulations, which produce a trace file as the output by default. eduni.simanim is tightly integrated with the text only simulation package, and provides a skeleton applet for easily building a visualisation of a simulation. eduni.simdiag is a collection of JavaBeans based classes for displaying simulation results.

Using a programming language to build models (rather than building them graphically) has the advantage that complex regular interconnections are straightforward to specify, which was crucial for some of the networks we were interested in simulating. It also allows the inclusion of existing libraries of code to build simulations.

The simjava package has been designed for simulating fairly static networks of active entities which communicate by sending passive event objects via ports. This model is appropriate for hardware and distributed software systems modelling. The next section describes some alternative approaches.

Other java simulation environments

There are now several other Java based discrete simulation environments available. Like simjava they are mostly Java versions of existing simulation languages, so all implement different flavours of simulation. The advice is to use one which you're used to and which fits the application. In particular most of the below provide better direct support for queue modelling and statistics classes than Simjava. Page (1997) maintains a well structured survey of web simulation environments.

Simkit (Buss and Stork 1996,1997) provides a set of MODSIM II influenced Java classes, with no model animation but a better set of statistics classes than Simjava provides. JavaSim (Little 1997) is a text only Java version of C++SIM, itself based on SIMULA. JSIM (Nair 1997) supports a good graphical environment for displaying queues, and uses a Java database for storing results. DEVS-Java (Zeigler 1997) is a Java port of the DEVS-C++ modelling environment.

Goad (1997) describes an interesting approach to the problems of building simulations out of components, using an ML like language which unifies the behaviour and connections between components.

An good example of a Java model built without using a simulation package is a model of a virtual memory system (Chakraborty and Bhowmik 1997). Digital Workshop (Lynch and Fishwick 1996) has graphical model construction for simulating simple digital circuits, as well as design animation.

The design

A simjava simulation contains a number of entities each of which runs in parallel in its own thread. An entity's behaviour is encoded in Java using its body() method. Entities have access to a small number of simulation primitives:

This model is based on the HASE++ simulation library for C++ (Howell 1996b), which in turn was based on the SIM++ library from Jade Simulations Inc (Jade 1992). It is appropriate for any system which can be described as a network of communicating objects, and has been applied to communications protocols, parallel software modelling and computer architectures.

How to build a simulation

The building blocks of a simulation are entities. Modelling a system involves extending class sim_entity to include the behaviour of each different type of component. For example, the following class describes a source entity which generates 100 events on its output port.
     class Source extends Sim_entity {
       private Sim_port out;
       public Source(String name) { 
         super(name);   out = new Sim_port("out");   add_port(out);
       public void body() {
         for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
A complete simulation is built by providing a main() method which creates all the entities and joins them together. Running the simulation produces a trace file of all the events which occurred, along with any results the entities have collected about their progress. A set of statistics classes are included in the package for generating and analysing distributions.

How it works

The basic sequential discrete event simulation algorithm is as follows. A central object Sim_system maintains a timestamp ordered queue of future events. Initially all entities are created and their body() methods are run. When an entity calls a simulation function (say sim_hold(10.0)) the Sim_system object halts that entity's thread and places an event on the future queue to signify that the hold will complete at (current simulation time + 10.0). When all entities have halted, Sim_system pops the next event off the queue, advances the simulation time accordingly and restarts entities as appropriate. This continues until no more events are generated.

If the Java virtual machine support native threads, then all entities starting at exactly the same simulation time may run in parallel.

simanim - turning simulations into applets

simanim is a companion package to simjava which may be used if a graphical representation and animation of a simulation model is desired. It is based on earlier work on the HASE simulation system (Ibbett, Heywood and Howell 1995). To build a simple animated model the user gives a .gif image and (x,y) coordinates for each entity. Providing extra .gif images allows the entity's icon to change according to its internal state. Other entity parameters may be displayed alongside the icon, and updated as the simulation runs.

Two methods of simanim create the animation:

anim_init() is overridden to add buttons, controls and parameter fields, e.g.:

anim_layout() is extended to position the entity icons and draw ports, e.g.:

simanim provides a standard panel for controlling the simulation run:

As the simulation runs, the current simulation time is displayed, events are shown moving down links and entity icons switch according to their state. simjava and simanim are standard java packages, and may be used alongside other java packages for building a simulation application.

Both simanim and simjava run concurrently; the output of the simjava simulation code is fed into simanim to produce the animation.

The simjava entity interaction model

In simjava event objects are passed to other entities via ports using sim_schedule(). They are automatically queued, and retrieved as required by the receiver using sim_select() and sim_wait(). sim_select() is used to select from events which have already arrived, and sim_wait() waits for the next future event.

This is subtley different from a message passing interface, such as MPI. MPI_Send() is similar to sim_schedule(), but MPI_Recv() is like a combination of sim_select() and sim_wait(). The other difference from message passing interaction models is that in simjava all events are globally sorted by simulation timestamp to ensure that messages never arrive out of order.

JavaBeans uses another style of interaction. An object wishing to receive events implements the EventListener interface, providing a method for handling input events, for example handleAnEvent(AnEventObject aeo). To send events, an object maintains a vector of destination EventListener objects. It calls the handleAnEvent() method for all the elements of the vector to send an event onwards.

This is similar to SGI's OpenInventor method for interaction. The basis is the field. An object may have several input and/or output fields. An input field of one object may be have its value set from an output field of another using connectFrom(). A method evaluate() sets the values of an object's output fields. When the value on an input field changes, the method inputChanged() is called. This system is integrated with the OpenInventor 3D graphics system, and allows animations to be built up by connecting engine objects to transformation objects in the scene graph. A similar method is used within the OpenInventor-inspired VRML-2, which uses ROUTEs to connect standard engines such as PositionInterpolator, and Sensor objects to generate events.

simdiag for displaying results

The extended event handling model of JDK 1.1 offers a real opportunity to make component software a reality. The idea is that the interface to software `components' (or `beans') is restricted to a stream of user defined events. These components can be wired together on the fly by calling an addEventListener() method.

This is ideal for processing simulation results, where there is a trace 'stream' which can be tapped into and displayed. The simdiag package provides two types of bean, those which listen to a stream of events during a simulation (TraceEventListeners), and those which plot graphs (GraphEventListeners). The figure below illustrates the simulation producing a stream of events which are displayed in a timing diagram and then forwarded to a `TraceSaver' for storage to a file.

The timing diagram bean (illustrated below) shows how the state of each entity changes over time.

The graph bean displays any 2D data set, and can be updated dynamically while the simulation is running.


The first version of simjava was released in September 1996. Since then there have been several projects making use of it and new releases for the new versions of Java (JDK1.1). At Edinburgh University these include:

Conclusion and future work

simjava provides the basic elements necessary for building animated discrete event simulations in Java, and is designed to be flexible and extendable.

Where simulation speed is paramount, a C++ based simulation package currently gives a factor eight improvement in simulation run times (McNab and Howell 1996).

The software package is freely available in full source code from the home page (Howell 1997), and it is hoped that it will prove useful as a basis for java simulation projects.

It has been used as the basis for distributed simjava (Page, Moose and Griffin 1997), a version of SimJava which uses Java RMI to distribute the entities of a simulation onto different computers.

Interesting areas for future java based simulation packages to develop are cooperative use and construction of simulations, component reuse using the JavaBeans model, distributed simulations, and more dynamic interaction and interpretation of simulation results.
