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Institute for Computing Systems Architecture

Computer Architecture Simulation & Visualisation

JavaHASE property file

JavaHASE uses a property file to customize its behaviour depending on its user and to avoid recompilation when used in different circumstances (e.g. DCS, DICE, via HASE gui). This file explains how the property file can be used.

Two properties file may be used. The .javahase file is always used, the .linuxhase file is only used when interfacing to C++ is required. Currently, the .linuxhase redefines properties defined in .javahase, so its behaviour can be ignored.

The most important property is exeJar that defines the directory where the executable jar files are produced when generating an applet. This directory also contains javahase system jar files used to compile the generated applet. The latter condition is required to guaranty that applets are compiled with the same files they will later be executed with.
As we need to use CVS to commit files on to the web site, the exeJar path should be the local CVS repository from which applet files are committed. This directory varies for different users, so each user should be allowed to specify his own exeJar directory.

The property files are read from the user home directory by default using the Java user.home system property. If the property files are not found in this directory, they are read from the current directory which JavaHASE gui has been launched from. When launching the JavaHASE gui from HASE's JavaHase gui menu, the current directory is ${HASEDIR}/JavaHase.

The doc property defines the URL used to display the JavaHase documentation when the help menu is selected from the JavaHase gui. The tree_icons directory specifies where icon files are found. The html_converter property specifies the command to be used when converting the HTML file so it automatically detects which plug-in must be used. The template property identifies the directory where the template files, to be used in the HTML convertion process, are. Other, less important properties are description, date, they are used to display release number.

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HASE Project
Institute for Computing Systems Architecture, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
Last change 20/03/2003

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